Did you know that cervical cancer can be prevented? Most cases are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infections. Here are 5 facts about HPV that parents should know:

  1. HPV is common. Most people get it at some point in their lives, no matter their sex, gender, or sexual orientation.
  2. HPV can cause certain types of cancer, such as cervical cancer. Once someone has HPV, it cannot be cured. However, HPV often goes away on its own. But when it lasts for many years, it can lead to changes in your cells. If not treated, these cells may lead to cancer.
  3. The HPV vaccine can protect you against cancer. The HPV vaccine protects against cervical cancer. HPV vaccines are safe, and research shows the benefits of an HPV vaccine far outweigh any risks.
  4. The vaccine works best when given before a person is exposed to HPV. HPV is spread through vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has the virus, even if they don’t have signs or symptoms.
  5. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) advises preteens ages 11 or 12 to get the HPV vaccine, but children can get the vaccine as early as age 9.

Prevent HPV Infections and Certain Cancers

The HPV vaccine helps protect your child from HPV infections. When HPV infections are not treated, they can lead to cancers later in life, like cervical cancer.

The HPV vaccine is recommended for children ages 9 to 12. If your child has not gotten the vaccine yet, talk to your child’s doctor about getting it.

If your child is older, don’t worry. The CDC recommends that children up to age 26 get the HPV vaccine if they did not get it when they were younger.

Get the HPV Vaccine

The HPV vaccine is a safe and strong way to help prevent cancers caused by HPV. By getting your child vaccinated, you are taking a vital step to protect their health.

Talk to your child’s doctor to see if your child has received the HPV vaccine. If you are an SFHP member, Medi-Cal covers vaccinations, including the HPV vaccine. Don’t wait—help keep your child healthy!

More Help from SFHP

  • Customer Service: Our team can answer your questions about benefits and health services. Call 1(415) 547-7800, 1(800) 288-5555 (toll-free) or 1(415) 547-7830 TTY. Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:30pm.
  • Interpreter Services: You can get an interpreter in-person or by phone for your health visits. When you make an appointment, ask for an interpreter at the same time.
  • Need a Ride? SFHP can help you get transportation to any medical appointment covered by Medi-Cal. Ask your provider or call Customer Service.
  • Interested in Medi-Cal Benefits? See if you or your family can get Medi-Cal through SFHP.

Learn more about your covered Medi-Cal benefits and services.