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Inside SFHP

Overview of How We Do It!

We begin with the belief that every person living in San Francisco deserves access to quality, affordable health care. As a licensed community health plan, we were designed for and by the people we serve – many of whom would not be able to otherwise obtain health care for themselves or their families. We carry this belief into our mission to provide all San Franciscans superior care, across all the cultural and ethnically diverse communities that make San Francisco so unique.

We do it with the support and shared resources of countless community partners throughout San Francisco. And we do it at the request of all San Franciscans, who in 1998 passed Measure J, making universal health care a priority for the City.

San Francisco is unique as the people who live here. As the local health plan, we know the city; we know the people who live here; and we are tailored to respond to their needs.

San Francisco is a healthy community for all.


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