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Coronavirus Resources

Coronavirus (COVID-19) General Information

May 11, 2023, marks the end of the federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE). Your health and safety are still our top priority. We want to make sure you have all the information you need to stay healthy.
Click below for information on COVID-19 vaccines, testing, and how to best protect you and your family. There is no cost to SFHP members for needed COVID-19 vaccines, testing, and test kits. Coverage may change from time to time, please check Medi-Cal Rx for recent updates and benefits or call 1(800) 977-2273.

Where to Learn More

These trusted sources have the most up-to-date information about COVID-19:

What is Coronavirus and What Can I Do?

Coronavirus is a virus that causes a disease called COVID-19, which affects the lungs and other organs. In most people the disease causes mild symptoms. However, for some people the symptoms can become more serious. It may cause severe breathing problems or other issues such as Long COVID or Post-COVID Conditions (PCC).

If you are worried about the coronavirus, you are not alone. Read more to learn how to get help and how to protect yourself and others.


People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms – from mild symptoms to severe illness. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:

Cough Shortness of breath or hard time breathing
Fever Chills
Muscle pain Headache
Sore Throat New loss of taste or smell
Feeling very tired or weak Nausea or vomiting

There may be other symptoms as well. People with certain medical conditions may be at a higher risk for COVID-19.

Please call your primary care provider (PCP) for any other symptoms that you are worried about. A PCP is your main doctor, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant. Your PCP works with you and a care team to help you meet your health goals.

For more information about symptoms, visit the CDC’s symptom website.

What is Long COVID or Post-COVID?

Some people who had COVID-19 may have long-term effects, known as Long COVID or Post-COVID Conditions (PCC). Even if you had COVID-19 in the past, do your best to not get infected again to prevent any Long COVID-19 symptoms. Learn more about Long COVID at CDC.

When to Contact Your Doctor

If you are sick, call your PCP first. They may be able to help you by phone without having to go to the doctor’s office.

You can also call a doctor at Teladoc® for free 24/7. Learn more at or call 1(800) 835-2362.

Emergency Warning Signs

Get medical help right away by calling 911. Or go to the nearest emergency room if you have any of these warning signs:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Pain or pressure in the chest that doesn’t go away
  • New confusion or inability to wake up
  • Bluish lips or face
  • Cannot stay awake

Please talk with your PCP for any symptoms that are severe or that you are worried about.

You do not need pre-approval for emergency care. SFHP also covers out-of-network emergency care. Please refer to your SFHP Member Handbook or visit SFHP Covered Services and Benefits for more info.

You may call SFHP Customer Service at:

  • Local Callers 1(415) 547-7800
  • Toll-Free Callers 1(800) 288-5555
  • TTY for People Who Are Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, or Have Speech Disabilities 1(415) 547-7830 or 1(888) 883-7347 toll-free or 711

How Do I Protect Myself and My Family from COVID-19?

The coronavirus passes to other people through close contact (being within about 6 feet). When an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks, droplets from their mouth or nose spread into the air. Based on how good the air flow is, the droplets in the air can be inhaled.
Visit CDC to learn how to protect against COVID-19.

If you are Exposed To Coronavirus

If you have had a close contact or a positive test, follow San Francisco’s current guidance at

Get Vaccinated

As of September 12, 2023, CDC recommends that people 6 months and older get the updated COVID-19 vaccine. Stay up to date with your vaccine by visiting CDC.
Visit San Francisco’s coronavirus website to learn more or call 311.

Wear a Mask

Masking is still an important tool for preventing the spread of COVID-19. Think about your own risk factors to decide when and where to wear a mask.

Washing Hands

Washing your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds is one of the best ways to stop the spread of COVID-19.

To learn more, see the CDC’s Handwashing web page or watch this video that shows all the steps to washing hands well.

Accessing Your Health Benefits

How to Reach Your Primary Care Provider (PCP)
If you are sick, call your PCP first. They may be able to help you by phone without having to go to the doctor’s office.

You can also call a doctor at Teladoc® for free any time of the day or night. Learn more at or 1(800) 835-2362. Teladoc® will communicate the care plan for you, with your PCP who can help prevent future health issues and answer any questions you have.

If you do not know who your PCP is please call our Customer Service Team:

  • Local Callers 1(415) 547-7800
  • Toll-Free Callers 1(800) 288-5555
  • TTY for People Who Are Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, or Have Speech Disabilities 1(415) 547-7830 or 1(888) 883-7347 toll-free or 711

Pharmacy Help

There is no cost to SFHP members for needed COVID-19 vaccines, testing, and test kits. Coverage may change from time to time, please check Medi-Cal Rx for recent updates and benefits or call 1(800) 977-2273.

Support for Emotional Health

COVID-19 has caused major changes in our lives. You may feel stressed, nervous, sad, bored, upset, or lonely. You are not alone. Some tips for handling your stress:

  • Take breaks from watching or reading the news or being on social media
  • Stay in touch with supportive people in your life by phone, text, or online groups
  • Take care of your body by eating healthy foods, exercising, getting outside, and getting 7-8 hours of sleep
  • Limit alcohol drinks to at most 1-2 a day
  • Call for help if your emotions make it hard for you to do the things you normally do

Visit SFHP’s Behavioral and Mental Health page to learn more.

Make a Mental Health Appointment

Call to set mental health appointments and get help with medications:

  • 24-Hour Behavioral Health Access Helpline 1(415) 255-3737 or 1(888) 246-3333, TDD 1(888) 484-7200
  • Carelon Behavioral Health 1(855) 371-8117

If you would like help because you are drinking too much or using drugs call:

  • Treatment Access Program 1(800) 750-2727

COVID-19 2024-2025 Vaccine

Who needs a COVID-19 vaccine

People ages 6 months and older should get the 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine. You should get it even if you have received a COVID-19 vaccine before and people who have had COVID-19.

There are other recommendations if you have a weakened immune system. Please visit to learn more.

Please talk with your PCP if you have any questions or concerns about getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

Why stay up to date

Getting a COVID-19 vaccine helps protect you from severe disease, going to the hospital, and death. It is a safer, more reliable way to build protection than getting sick with COVID-19.

Vaccine protection lessens over time, so it is important to stay up to date with your COVID-19 vaccine.

If you had COVID-19 lately

If you have had COVID-19 lately, wait 3 months until you get the 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine. Count the months from when symptoms started. Or if you had no symptoms, count from when you first got a positive test.

Visit to learn more about staying up to date with COVID-19 vaccines.

Testing and Treatment

Home Testing

You can pick up 8 COVID-19 tests each month at your local pharmacy. Test kits are free. Bring your pharmacy insurance card and ask for COVID-19 test kits. Coverage may change from time to time, please check Medi-Cal Rx for recent updates and benefits or call 1(800) 977-2273.

Visit Your PCP

Your primary care provider can test you in their office at no cost. Please call your PCP if you have been exposed to COVID-19.

Warning: Fake COVID-19 Test Sites Steal Info – Spot the Scams

SFHP has learned about a new scam to steal information through fake COVID-19 test sites.

It is a scam if a company offers you money to take a picture of your health plan ID card or your Medi-Cal ID card. Your ID card will be used to make fake claims. This is fraud. Your personal info will be used illegally.

When you get tested for COVID-19, you should only visit verified testing sites or medical groups.

Protect Yourself

Remember that Medicare, Medi-Cal, SFHP, or your health care provider will never pay you for your ID card or other personal info.

  • Watch out for anyone who is asking for your personal, medical, financial info, or health plan ID. This includes over the phone, text, email, or in-person.
  • Not all COVID-19 test sites are real. Fake sites ask for your personal info, such as your SFHP or Medi-Cal ID card, Social Security numbers, credit card, and other health info. This can be used to steal your identity.

Learn how to prevent scams and report them here.

To learn more, call SFHP Customer Service at 1(415) 547-7800, 1(800) 288-5555 (toll-free) or 1(888) 883-7347 (TTY), Monday – Friday, from 8:30am – 5:30pm.


Many people are eligible for COVID-19 treatments, such as Paxlovid. If you get COVID-19 and have certain health issues, you may be able to get treatment. Please call your PCP as soon as you start having symptoms or test positive for COVID-19.

For more info on COVID-19 treatments, please visit CDPH.


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