SFHP proudly provides care for our transgender community

We believe it is important to support the health and wellness of all people through our services, care, and partnerships across San Francisco. That’s why SFHP follows the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Standards of Care version 8 (WPATH SOC-8) for gender-affirming care.

As an SFHP member, you can get gender-affirming care to support your health.

SFHP Gender Affirming Care

SFHP covers all medically necessary gender-affirming surgical and non-surgical services, such as:

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
  • Mental and behavioral health care
  • Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
  • STI testing and treatment
  • Surgery such as voice modification, chest reconstruction, and vaginoplasty

Talk with your primary care provider* (PCP) about gender-affirming care and referrals you may need.

Learn more about gender-affirming care at SFHP Benefits and Covered Services.

*Your primary care provider is the doctor, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner in charge of your health care.