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Benefits and Covered Services

Transportation Services

San Francisco Health Plan (SFHP) Healthy Workers HMO members have access to non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT). NEMT is available when you are not able to use public transportation to get to health visits. NEMT uses an ambulance, gurney/litter van, wheelchair van, or air transport. NEMT helps members who need support getting in and out of their vehicle and/or need medical supervision during the trip. Non-Medical Transportation (NMT) is not a Healthy Workers HMO benefit.

Your doctor will need to request the service before you can use NEMT. Your doctor must fill out the Physician Certification Statement (PCS) form to prescribe the type of transportation you need. This form is available to your doctor:

SFHP must review and approve your request to use NEMT at least five (5) business days before your scheduled visit. Please call as soon as possible for urgent visits.

SFHP partners with Modivcare to arrange NEMT. To arrange or follow up on a request for transportation, please call Modivcare at 1(855) 251-7098, Monday – Friday, from 8:30am – 5:30pm.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A Healthy Workers HMO member, a family member, caregiver, or medical facility staff member.

Modivcare will decide your pickup time based on how long it takes to get to your visit.

Be ready for your ride at least 15 minutes before the scheduled pickup time. Drivers only have to wait 5 minutes past your scheduled pickup time, so please be ready when your ride comes.

If you did not plan a set pickup time for when your visit is done, call “Where’s my Ride?” at 1(855) 251-7098.

Call “Where’s my Ride?” at 1(855) 251-7098 to let the Modivcare team know.

Call Modivcare at 1(855) 251-7098.

More Information

  • Drop-Off Timing: Drivers must drop members off at least 15 minutes before their scheduled visit. For example, if the visit is at 10:00am, you should be dropped off no later than 9:45am. Modivcare or SFHP will confirm your pickup time based on how long it takes to get to your visit. It is important to be ready for your pickup time.
  • Companion or Personal Care Attendant: If needed, one other person can go with you to your visit. When scheduling your visit, let Modivcare or SFHP know that someone will be joining you.
  • Unaccompanied Minors: Transportation is available to unaccompanied minors when California or federal law does not require parental consent for a minor’s service (“minor consent”). For services other than “minor consent” services, SFHP requires written parental or guardian consent for unaccompanied minors to travel alone.

To arrange NEMT, call:

Modivcare Customer Service
1(855) 251-7098
Monday – Friday, from 8:30am – 5:30pm

SFHP Transportation Coordinator
1(415) 547-7807
Monday – Friday, from 8:30am – 5:00pm


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