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Customer Service

Language Interpreter Services & Materials in Alternate Formats

We will serve you in a way that respects you, your culture, and your language. We want you to be treated with courtesy and respect by the staff at San Francisco Health Plan, our medical groups, and everyone at your provider’s office. If you ever have any issues or concerns about how you are being treated, please contact Customer Service at 1(800) 288-5555, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:30pm.

Language and Materials

We will provide our written materials in the language you prefer at no cost to you. Our materials are regularly available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Russian. If you need materials in another language or are not getting materials in your preferred language, please contact Customer Service at 1(800) 288-5555, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:30pm.

If you are hearing impaired, please call the TYY line at 1(415) 547-7830, toll-free at 1(888) 883-7347 or through the California Relay Service at 711. You may request this document in alternative formats like Braille, large size print, and audio. To request other formats, or for help with reading this document and other SFHP materials, please call Customer Service at 1(415) 547-7800 or toll-free at 1(800) 288-5555.

Materials in Alternate Formats

We make member and enrollee information available to the visually impaired in alternate formats upon request, at no cost. To request alternate format materials such as: braille, audio, and large print, please contact Customer Service at 1(800) 288-5555, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:30pm.

Interpreter Services

We will communicate with you in the language that you prefer to speak. Our medical providers and their staff speak many languages. This is one of the many things you should take into consideration when choosing a Primary Care Provider. To help you choose, please see our provider directory. When you make an appointment, you may request interpreter services for your appointment at the same time.

Request for Interpreter Services

Interpreter Services are available if you and your provider do not speak the same language. When you have a doctor’s appointment, you can have a Qualified Health Interpreter with you if you need one. Your medical group will provide either a face-to-face or phone interpreter at no cost to you. We prefer that you do not use a family member, friend, or minor to interpret for you. Ask your provider office or medical group to arrange for Interpreter Services when you make your appointment. If you need further assistance, please call Customer Service at 1(800) 288-5555, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:30pm.


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